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Medallion, Chain, Necklace, D88.177

Physical Description

Yellowish heavy metal medallion. Hammering indentations on back side suggest is handmade. Back side is plain. Front side is ornamented with series of wave like pattern running around edge, a series of star like pattern running round midway to centre and a ball like appendage in the centre with a flower bud like appearance. Appendage is riveted through to back of medallion. A small clip has been riveted to one edge of medallion through which a brass?' wire has been place, bent into a circle at either end. The ends of six long chains are attached to each of the wire ends to form a necklace. The chain links are made of a silver like metal. The links are like the number '8', each interlinked to the next forming long chains.

Research Notes

Metal. Medallion gives appearance of being brass or brass and silver? Chains could be silver? Likely a necklace. Yellowish heavy metal medallion. Hammering indentations on back side suggest is handmade. Back side is plain. Front side is ornamented with series of wave like pattern running around edge, a series of star like pattern running round midway to centre and a ball like appendage in the centre with a flower bud like appearance. Appendage is riveted through to back of medallion. A small clip has been riveted to one edge of medallion through which a brass?' wire has been place, bent into a circle at either end. The ends of six long chains are attached to each of the wire ends to form a necklace. The chain links are made of a silver like metal. The links are like the number '8'., each interlinked to the next forming long chains. Medallion diameter = 49.4mm. Length of chains (doubled over) = approx. 460mm. —Joel A Vanderburg




Maximum Length: 750mm

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