Bowl, D88.176
Physical Description
Small, shallow brass bowl. Hammer, pecking, and chisel marks suggest was hand made. Exterior decorations. Interior plain. Exterior base has chiselled into it the letters "AKINAMADUKANO". Likely "Akin Amadu" is name of artist and "Kano" is the location, a large city of Northern Nigeria. The exterior decoration on the upper half of the bowl is of two loosely intertwined strands running the circumference of the bowl. The outline of the strands are made with chisel marks. The exterior space is filled with peck marks. The lower half exterior is of 6 separate parallelograms each separated from the next by a small space. The interior of each is that of a a four (or 8 depending upon how one sees it) petalled flower. The petals and the parallelograms are defined by chisel marks with the spaces filled with peck marks.
Maker: Akin AmaduMeasurements
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D): 25 x 85 x 85mmAll Rights Reserved