Open daily, 10am–5pm, Free

419 Great King Street Dunedin, New Zealand

Hei Tiki, D87.7

Physical Description

Nephrite/kawkawa pounamu/South Westland. Small, made with European tools. Head rests on right shoulder. Heart shaped mouth; no eyebrows; nose indicated. Hour glass perforation in centre forehead. Right hand (3 fingers & thumb) rests on stomach, left hand - 3 fingers on thigh. Pierced between upper arms/body and between legs/abdomen both sides. Base rounded with notch at point where feet meet. 3 toes indicated each foot.

Research Notes

Catalogue card:

Nephrite. Small, made with European tools. Head rests on right shoulder. Heart shaped mouth; no eyebrows; nose indicated. Hour glass perforation in centre forehead. Right hand (3 fingers & thumb) rests on stomach, left hand - 3 fingers on thigh. Pierced between upper arms/body and between legs/abdomen both sides. Base rounded with notch at point where feet meet. 3 toes indicated each foot.
Pres. Miss M Felton, 19 Suter St, Mosgiel. From estate of Mrs Fairburn whose father was a commercial traveller.
In strongroom


From estate of Mrs Fairburn


Maximum dimensions (H x W x D): 70 x 40 x 9mm

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