Pipe, D86.10
Physical Description
Wooden bowl with fitted ?wooden stem. Gold (?) around bowl rim and stem fitting. Bowl carved in form of 3 grotesque human figures - one on external side bowl with beard. Stem curved.
Research Notes
Catalogue card:
Wooden bowl with fitted ?wooden stem. Brass around bowl rim and stem fitting. Bowl carved in form of 3 grotesque human figures - one on external side bowl with beard. Bowl discoloured. Stem curved
In store. Figures leave some uncertainty whether the carving style is bonafied Maori or an immitation. Would benefit from further research to try and determine this.There is also a question whether the metal rims are brass or gold which is suggested based on 18CT which is stamped on each rim.
Wooden bowl with fitted ?wooden stem. Brass around bowl rim and stem fitting. Bowl carved in form of 3 grotesque human figures - one on external side bowl with beard. Bowl discoloured. Stem curved
In store. Figures leave some uncertainty whether the carving style is bonafied Maori or an immitation. Would benefit from further research to try and determine this.There is also a question whether the metal rims are brass or gold which is suggested based on 18CT which is stamped on each rim.
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D): 110 x 35 x 53mmAll Rights Reserved