Open daily, 10am–5pm, Free

419 Great King Street Dunedin, New Zealand

Hei Tiki, D82.3342

Physical Description

Nephrite hei tiki - grass green, semi transparent, inanga variety, Arahura source. Head tilted to left side (slightly). Right hand rests on stomach - 3 fingers; left hand on thigh (3 fingers also) Two complete perforations on forehead, both hourglass holes. No sealing wax or other residue in eye depression; teeth depicted. Feet meet below body. Cracked right side below knee. Some flaws & feather fractures back of head.

Research Notes

Catalogue card:

Nephrite - grass green, semi transparent. Head tilted to right side (slightly). Right hand rests on stomach - 3 fingers; left on thigh (3 fingers also) Two perforations on forehead, both hourglass holes. No sealing wax or other residue in eye depression; teeth depicted. Feet meet below body. Cracked right side below knee. Some flaws & chipping back of head.
Given to William Colenso, Nth East Nth Is during his time in NZ (1834-99). Passed by his cousin Bishop Colenso of Natal to the father of E.H.H.Higham who deposited it in O/M through his son Prof CFW Higham (Anthro Dept, Univ of Otago). Formerly L.70.34
Purchased from CFW Higham's mother (England) for $3,500.
On display - Akld Province T/C
Later entry:
Fig 4.2 Comp. Speaking.


Purchased from mother of Professor Charles Higham
given to Missionary William Colenso William Colenso
Initially deposited in museum by Professor Charles Higham
Bishop Colenso passed to father of E. Higham
Missionary William Colenso passed to Bishop John Colenso


Maximum dimensions (H x W x D): 110 x 68 x 15mm

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