Open daily, 10am – 5pm, Free

419 Great King Street Dunedin, New Zealand

Weight, Balance, D2007.4

Physical Description

Set of five graduated metal opium weights. All are in the form of a quadruped animal with tail standing on pedestal. Range in size, with the two middle weights being the closest. Animal has horns, necklace, and chest and head decoration. Bases are octagonal.




Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (a - Large animal): 44 x 26 x 32mm
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (b - Medium tall animal): 33 x 21 x 26mm
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (c - Medium shorter animal): 31 x 19 x 21mm
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (d - Small animal): 24 x 15 x 20mm
Maximum dimensions (H x W x D) (e - Smallest animal): 20 x 13 x 16mm

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